Thursday, July 31, 2008


Riders: 5 of TRM + 3 Others
Distance: 154
Time: 7am- 6pm
Riding time: 6' 51"
Average Speed: 22.4
Weather conditions: Hot & calm breeze
The wrecking from left: ZanKX, Wan, Fikri (should return after informed expiry traveling document by the immigration officer), Rin CIMA, Wan, Hj, Sohaimee & Azman KTM (used to be ironman.. hehe)
New currency used after long ride, long ascend & very short descend..!
Location: Kampung stall nearby Thaleban National Park

Four forceful and dominated riders take a short break at Chalung Town & waiting the others...
Loso looks excited. His first time ever in Satun, second time actually in Thailand after Hatyai a couple months ago...

Right: Typical Wan Shahidan, come & go.. Never stop trying again and again to attack and provoke during on the way to Satun. Obviously he still cant make it from Sohaimee, ZanKX & Loso.. Hehe, sorry bro, not today & not anymore...!! However, he still one step ahead... No doubt about it...
Ride to eat... Lunch at Satun Town
Team Polygon Indonesia
Team TLD Thailand
Rin CIMA 'the traitlonman' serious with the camera...
Sohaimee, Hj and Ustaz Wan (enjoying desert with power stick) relaxing at the restaurant after finish their foodstuff...

Ride to eat: Third break

Small mechanical problem on Sohaimee's sprocket... Just a piece of cake

Thank you folks...!!!

1 comment:

bola2api said...

satun ni kat Trang kan??? hari tu kitorang buat kayuhan ke krabi, lalu Trang.. singgah tido